LIFE-DRY4GAS Project at LIFE AMIA Conference
The Conference entitled “Tratamiento avanzado de aguas residuales para la reutilización de agua en agricultura”, took place the 17th May at CEBAS-CSIC facilities, organized by FACSA, partner and coordinator of LIFE AMIA project. The meeting could also be followed online.
This initiative promotes the reutilization of waste water in WWTP using a low energy consumption technology, minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
Furthermore, other advanced treatments in the sector were introduced. As an example, Sixto Malato of Plataforma Solar de Almería contributed to the meeting with a presentation entitled “Investigación en tratamientos avanzados para regeneración de aguas: estado actual”.
Finally, three LIFE projects were presented (LIFE-DRY4GAS, LIFE CleanUp y LIFE B2E4 sustainable - WWT). In the LIFE-DYR4GAS project’s presentation, Virginia Pérez, researcher at CEDER-CIEMAT, showed the sustainable technological solution for sewage sludge proposed by the project, which has the main objective of reducing the environmental impact associated to the management of sewage sludge in a WWTP. She also explained the technologies that composed the demonstration prototype that is being installed at the WWTP in San Javier, in Murcia.
Two additional partners of LIFE-DRY4GAS Project were also present in the conference through the participation of Pedro Simón and Manuel Abellán (ESAMUR) and Carlos García (CEBAS-CSIC).