Jornada de "Economía circular de lodos de depuradora"
El próximo martes 20 de junio y dentro del proyecto LIFE-Dry4Gas se va a realizar la jornada técnica "Economía circular de lodos de depuradora", evento que tendrá lugar a las 9:30 horas en las...
Fifth monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project
The 13th and 14th of June 2022 took place the fifth monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project by the external monitor of NEEMO. The meeting, organized by CIEMAT as project coordinator in...
LIFE-DRY4GAS project in LIFE AMIA Conference
On May 17th, the LIFE AMIA project organised the Conference entitled “Tratamiento avanzado de aguas residuales para reutilización de agua en agricultura” in the offices of CEBAS-CSIC in Murcia. ...
LIFE-DRY4GAS project will participate on ACI’s Gasification Summit 2022
Gasification Summit 2022 will be held on 9th and 10th March 2022 in Lyon (France). This event was planned for 18th and 19th March 2020, but it has been postponed due to COVID-19. ACI’s 9th Annual...
LIFE-DRY4GAS in the event of sewage sludge by ATEGRUS
LIFE-DRY4GAS in the technical conference of sewage sludge by ATEGRUS On October 19th, the technical conference on sewage sludge management and energetic valorisation organized by ATEGRUS,...
LIFE-DRY4GAS project in a summer course at the University of Valladolid
LIFE-DRY4GAS has been present at the I Summer Course on biogas production on farms and its use in mobility which has been held at the Soria Campus of the University of Valladolid
LIFE-DRY4GAS Project at the 4th Phosphorus in Europe Research Meeting (PERM4)
LIFE-DRY4GAS Project at the 4th Phosphorus in Europe Research Meeting (PERM4) in the session entitled “Nutrient recovery from sewage sludge”.
Fourth monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project
The fourth monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project took place the 27th of May 2021. The meeting, organized by CIEMAT as project coordinator, was celebrated virtually due to the COVID-19...
The LIFE-DRY4GAS Project was in the 81st International Energy Agency- Fluidized Bed Conversion Technical Meeting (IEA-FBC)
The 81st Technical Meeting of the Fluidized Bed Conversion group of the International Energy Agency was held virtually the 10th November 2020. In this edition, several technical issues related...
LIFE-DRY4GAS project in the 28th e-EUBCE
The 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) was held virtually, due to the COVID-19 crisis, from 6th to 9th July 2020.
Third monitoring visit of the LIFE-DRY4GAS project
The third monitoring visit of the LIFE-DRY4GAS project took place the 20th of May 2020. The meeting was organized by CIEMAT, as project coordinator, and was celebrated virtually due to the COVID-19...
LIFE-DRY4GAS project participate on the LIFE Platform meeting on Waste-Water Treatment. Making Water Fit for LIFE
A LIFE Platform meeting on Waste-Water Treatment on Making Water Fit for LIFE was hold on 29-30 January 2020 in Barcelona. The main outcome of the meeting was to provide feedback to the Water...
Visit of CEDER by Minister Pedro Duque
The 15th of October 2019, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque, visited CEDER-CIEMAT facilities
The Project in the World Congress ISWA 2019
Between 7th and 9th October 2019, the World Congress ISWA 2019 was held in Bilbao. The LIFE-DRY4GAS Project was presented, through the participation of Virginia Pérez, a CIEMAT researcher
Second monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project
The second monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project took place the 19th of June 2019. The meeting was celebrated in the offices of CIEMAT in Madrid
First monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project
The first monitoring visit of the LIFE DRY4GAS project took place the 26th of June 2018. The meeting was celebrated in the offices of Cadagua in Madrid
The LIFE DRY4GAS project kick-off meeting
The LIFE DRY4GAS Project officially started the 3rd of July 2017 and after that, the 10th of October 2017 the project kick-off meeting was held in ESAMUR head offices in Espinardo (Murcia).