Past Events
Workshop: "Sustainable scrub biomass management"
Last 28 de November 2017 took place at Instituto de la Ingeniería de España (Madrid) the workshop: "Sustainable scrub biomass management".
It included two parts: in the first one, the experts presented their points of view in different aspects of the subject; in the second one, a panel discussion took place, where both the speakers and the attendees discussed on the issue. The workshop brought together near ninety people and was moderated by Valentín Gómez (TRAGSA).
In the framework of the workshop, the "Manual de Buenas Prácticas. Desbroce con cosecha de Matorral", was launched within the commitments of ENERBIOSCRUB project (click here to download).
Following are the speakers and the title of their presentations:
- Jorge Herrero (AVEBIOM): "Biomasa forestal: Material energético y estratégico". Click here to download.
- Luis Saúl Esteban (CEDER-CIEMAT y coordinador del proyecto ENERBIOSCRUB): "Gestión sostenible de formaciones de arbustivas para uso energético". Click here to download..
- Isabel Blasco (TRAGSA): "Desbroce y cosecha de matorral con fines energéticos". Click here to download..
- Roberto Vallejo (Inventario y Estadísticas Forestales - MAPAMA): "Aspectos socioeconómicos y medioambientales". Click here to download..
- Javier Ezquerra (Gestión Forestal - JCyL): "Viabilidad, empleabilidad y negocio". Click here to download..
- Detlef M. Hoffman (Green Future Consulting): "El Matorral con fines Energéticos: Calidad del producto". Click here to download..
In the panel discussion participated the speakers: Jorge Herrero (AVEBIOM) y Javier Ezquerra (JCyL) and joined Manuel Civera (Mayor of Lliria), Guillermo Fernández (MAPAMA), Fernando Fernández de Bobadilla (ENCE) and Miguel Ángel Soto (Greenpeace España).
Click here to read all the news.