2018 Huatulco Workshop
Huatulco Workshop
Under the umbrella of the ERANet-LAC project “Small Wind Turbines Optimization and Market Promotion” (SWTOMP), a workshop on Small Wind Turbines was organized by the Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías Limpias (INEEL) at Universidad del Mar, in Huatulco (Mexico). The whole Workshop was conducted by Javier de la Cruz, from INEEL.
The final agenda can be downloaded in the following link, and included the following presentations:
Plenary session 1: Development of the small wind energy in the last 30 years. Felix Avia, CIEMAT
Plenary session 2: Renewable hybrid systems. Luis Arribas, CIEMAT
Plenary session 3: Measurement of the power curve of small wind turbines. Juan Pablo, INTI
Plenary session 4: Development, validation and application of a CFD based Wind Turbine simulation model. Gabriel Usera, UdelaR
Plenary session 5: Experiences on small wind energy in Mexico, Challenges and opportunities. Sebastian Ramírez, GRUPO INSOLAR.
Plenary session 6: Wind maps for small wind turbines in Mexico. Ricardo Saldaña, INEEL
Plenary session 7: Economic assessment of SWT projects in Mexico. Aideé Zamora, INEEL
Plenary session 8: Actions of the Mexican Center of Innovation in Wind Energy. José M. Franco, CEMIE-Eóllico
Plenary session 9: Oaxaca’s Energy Cluster Presentation. Luis A. Calderón, Clúster de Energía Oaxaca
Plenary session 10: Opportunities for small wind turbines in the new electricity market. Applicable regulatory framework. Marcelino Madrigal, CRE
The Technical visit, on Wednesday 27th June, included a Tour at CERTE (Centro Regional de Tecnología Eólica (CERTE). There the active projects could be visited, including a 100m concrete tower and the foundation for the new 30 kW wind turbine which is being designed and constructed within the CEMIE Projects for SWT. This 30 kW SWT projects (P07 and P09) were presented by Isaac Hernández, from CIATEQ.
Technical visit to CERTE.
After enjoying a delicious typical Mexican food (dressed with some conversations on the football world cup), the visit continued to the UNISTMO (Universidad del Istmo), where some students from the Master on Wind Energy showed the works they are carrying out on different areas (aerodynamics, power electronics, blade manufacturing, 3D simulations, etc.).
The last stop in our visit was an installation of two 20 kW SWT on the roof of an ice maker industry, guided by the company that made the installation. This uncommon SWT installation opened the discussion during the trip back to Huatulco.
Two 20 kW SWT on the roof of a building